Science-Based Secret #1

Well, in the last few blogs we have been talking about sharing some SCIENCE based SECRETS to effectively losing and managing your weight…. So now here we go!
You Must Understand Your Body’s Composition.
You have got to end the frustration of stepping on a typical, old school scale and not REALLY knowing what’s going on with your body, your weight and your efforts to lose pounds. That one simple number on a scale often causes confusion, agitation and other emotional responses. Maybe you have been there, done that? There is likely more you need to know!
You have got to end the frustration of stepping on a typical, old school scale and not REALLY knowing what’s going on with your body, your weight and your efforts to lose pounds. That one simple number on a scale often causes confusion, agitation and other emotional responses. Maybe you have been there, done that? There is likely more you need to know!
Think about it … when you are doing ANY procedure relating to YOUR body, it’s a wise idea to NOT guess about it. A dentist takes X-rays before they start drilling on your teeth! Lab work can tell you about blood levels of things like cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and other important factors. Heart monitors and other machines track things closely as a person goes through a surgery.
When it comes to your weight, the same holds true! We need some base line information. And, we should be measuring, monitoring or tracking some important numbers along the way in order to lose weight effectively and safely!
Most people struggling with their weight really need to gain a deeper and more thorough understanding of things like:
- What actually makes that weight of yours up?
- How much FAT do you actually have?
- How much MUSCLE do you have? (Side note: sometimes genetics alone results in this being more of your weight than you may think … thus making it more difficult for you to reach an “ideal weight” listed on those old school height-weight charts!)
- How much water weight do you have?
- What does your Visceral Fat Rating look like? (That’s internal fat that we have wrote about before – and surely will more later; but for now, look it up if you’re not sure what it is … because it’s important!)
- How much weight CAN or should you lose?
- What ARE you losing if/when you do lose weight? Is it actually FAT your losing?
- And much more!
In the weight loss area of health, SCIENCE has developed testing that in a matter of seconds produces all of this information utilizing state-of-the-art technology. It’s called Computerized Body Composition Analysis or “BCA”. The units used by doctors (be it MD’s, Chiropractors, etc.) are FDA approved and provide them a thorough understanding of where significant problems exist and all of the items listed above. The report they get from a BCA likely looks something like this:
This type of report allows a weight loss clinician to:
- Determine realistic and healthy weight loss goals. More and more loss is NOT always best!
- Consider how they can best coach and assist you to reach your individual weight goals.
- Track and assure you are losing FAT – not just water weight and certainly not muscle weight!
- Periodically re-do the BCA to assess what happens when you make lifestyle changes (i.e. start a fitness program) and assure you keep that unwanted weight off.
Is this cool technology?
Don’t you think it could shed some light on your weight loss challenges?
We do! Because we have used it in case after case to successfully help people just like you understand and achieve their goal! So, at this point, we invite YOU to consider using this Science-Based Secret #1 by calling us and requesting an initial consultation. We will always do a BCA! Get YOUR BCA TODAY!